Cheat-Mod Minecraft Gish Code 1.12.2 [JAR, DLL]

– How do I add blocks to XRay ?
There are two ways:
xray add mouse – Adds a block to which you are focused.
xray add Where r g b – sets the color intensity ( red , green , blue ), from 0 to 255.

xray add 35:1 255 155 0 – Adds orange wool, which is highlighted orange.
xray add 73 255 0 0 – Adds a Redstone that is highlighted in red.

– How do I open the menu ?
By default, the menu opens to the right shift.

– How do I open settings ?
PCM by function.

Commands in the console:
dumpclasses-dump the list of classes from the loader class.
dumpplayer-dump the list of players on the server.
effect-allows you to add / remove effects for yourself.
enemy-allows you to add / remove players in the list of enemies.
friend-allows you to add / remove players in the friends list.
hacks-shows a list of all cheat functions.
help – help for commands.
key-allows you to bind functions.
login-allows you to log in, (pirate / license).
opendir-opens the directory of the cheater configuration.
pfilter-allows you to add / remove items for PickupFilter.
say-allows you to write to the chat.
toggle-switches the function in the cheat.
vclip-teleportation along the y-axis.
xray-allows you to add / remove blocks for XRay.
skinsteal-download skin by nickname/URL.

How to use compiled (JAR, DLL). Three ways to use it:
[1] Using JAR as a normal Minecraft Forge mod (copying the JAR file to the mods folder)
[2] using JAR for injection in Minecraft Forge Client using JavaInjector [ ]
[3] using DLL for injection in Minecraft Forge Client using any injector

Free Download Cheat-Mod Minecraft Gish Code 1.12.2 [JAR, DLL]

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to everyone adding this to vanilla MC launcher, Add “-noverify” to JVM Launch arguments for it to work.